IPA awards

Upcoming Awards

The aim of the IPA annual awards are to:

  • Recognise some of the outstanding work done by our members;
  • Implementation of actions and goals for sustainability practices;
  • Inspire other members to strive to set higher standards for their own businesses and clients, as well as for the industry; and

More broadly, to foster greater media and community awareness and recognition of the exceptional work our members deliver on a daily basis.

award categories

We have four award categories.

Small Installation
This category is open to any new indoor plant installation with 50 or fewer plants.

Medium Installation
This category is open to any new indoor plant installation with between 50 – 150 plants.

Large Installation
This category is open to any new indoor plant installation the has over 150 plants.

Sustainability practices within your company
Open to interior plantscapers who have implemented sustainable solutions and products in their business over the past 12 months.

Sustainability practices in a project
Open to interior plantscapers who have implemented sustainable solutions and products in any installation over the past 12 months.


The awards are open to any member of the Interior Plantscape Association across Australia and New Zealand.

Entries are open 1 August 2025 and close on 30 September 2025. Winners will be published on the IPA website in early November and announced across our social media platforms.

Participants for small, medium and large installations are invited to submit up to twenty photos of an installation they have completed during 2024-25, accompanied by a written submission of up to 1,000 words.

Sustainability award is open to interior plantscapers who have implemented sustainable solutions and products in their business over the past 12 months.

Entrants will be charged a modest fee (plus GST) for each entry they submit.

Yes! Members are able to enter the awards more than once, provided each entry is for a new installation, or for sustainability.

This means that members can enter the same category more than once e.g. a member could submit entries for two separate small installations.

Members can also have multiple entries across different categories e.g. a member may submit entries into the small, medium large and/or sustainability categories if they choose.

The awards will be judged by an independent panel of horticultural and design experts. This will be a ‘blind’ judging process. As such, any content in either the photos or written submission that indicates who the entrant is will be removed before our judging panel receives each submission.

Yes absolutely! Over the coming weeks, we will be approaching those associated with the indoor plant hire industry (e.g. suppliers) to sponsor the awards. Sponsors will receive a range of benefits, including having their branding included prominently in all of the social media and other communications that are sent out throughout the year to members in relation to the awards.

together we are stronger

Join the largest community of indoor plantscapers in Australia and New Zealand.

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